Natural Paradise, the Berlengas Island attracts the visit of many tourists during the entire season.
A natural heritage of great value, the islands of the Berlengas, situated about 12 km from Peniche, is constituted by the island of Berlenga Grande and reefs adjacent, the stelae and the school-pitchforks, classified as a Nature Reserve.
The lacy the cliffs and the numerous caves, full of beauty and color, constitute one of their reasons for greater appeal.
It is advisable to know the nooks of this natural wonder, through the hiking trails or the Interesting boat trips to the interior of the caves.
The island still preserves its natural state, access possible only through air or by sea offers a tranquil environment and provides a rich habitat for a variety of species.
The access to the Berlenga Island is by boat through Napa, with the duration of 30 to 40 minutes. The requests are subject to a maximum of 350 visitors per day.
The island has two restaurants in the village of fishermen.
Places of interest to visit:
- Gruta da Flandres
- Greta da Inês
- Gruta do Brandal
- Forte de S. João Baptista
- Farol do Duque de Bragança
- Gruta Azul
- Gruta da Muxinga
- Gruta da Lagosteira
- Cova do Sonho
- Cabeça do Elefante
- Carreiro do Mosteiro